Enhancing Elderly Wellbeing: Empowering Lives through Mental Health Workshops

Enhancing Elderly Wellbeing: Empowering Lives through Mental Health Workshops


19-27 Jun 2024

3:30pm - 5:00pm

Hope center , Wanchai

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The Mental Health Projects Team, Division of Public Policy at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology envisions a series of Elderly Wellbeing sessions in collaboration with the esteemed Hope Centre. These upcoming workshops are set to take place on the 19th, 20th, 26th, and 27th of July at the vibrant Hope Centre in Wanchai. Our aim is to cater to a diverse audience of elderly individuals, fostering their mental and physical wellness with an estimated participation of 10-15 individuals per session.

Envisioning a comprehensive and engaging experience, each session's rundown has been meticulously structured. Embarking on this transformative journey, the session on the 19th of July will commence with a seamless registration process and an introduction to the program. Participants will be guided through pre-data filling, consent form completion, and the distribution of informative booklets. Interactive activities, thoughtfully curated to encourage active participation and engagement, will be facilitated, ensuring a dynamic and enriching session. The day will conclude with a briefing about upcoming sessions, igniting excitement for the transformative experiences yet to come.

Continuing the path of empowerment on the 20th of July, our focus will shift to the power of life story sharing. Participants will have the opportunity to connect, learn, and draw inspiration from one another's experiences. Commencing with a warm registration process and an introduction to the program, this session will culminate with a briefing about upcoming sessions, offering a glimpse into the continued journey of personal growth and wellbeing.

As the 26th of July dawns, participants will embark on a rejuvenating Tai Chi session, expertly led by an external trainer. This physical activity will serve as a catalyst for overall wellbeing and relaxation. Seamless registration and program introduction will set the stage for a harmonious experience, fostering a renewed sense of vitality and tranquility. The session's conclusion will feature a briefing about upcoming sessions, ensuring the continuity of this transformative journey.

The final session, held on the 27th of July, will illuminate the path towards enhanced mental health. A captivating Mental Wellbeing Talk will empower participants with invaluable insights, while a Health Talk delivered by a respected expert will guide them on the importance of maintaining physical wellbeing. Registration and program introduction will pave the way for these informative sessions, providing a compass for personal growth and guidance. The conclusion of the program will encompass the completion of post-evaluation forms, the distribution of coupons, an acknowledgement form, a joyous photo session, and a resounding program finale.

Embracing the spirit of empowerment, the Elderly Wellbeing sessions organized by the Mental Health Projects Team aspire to be a beacon of hope and transformation. Our well-designed rundowns, offering a diverse range of activities, aim to cultivate a meaningful and beneficial experience for each esteemed participant. By promoting mental and physical wellbeing among the elderly population and fostering community engagement, these sessions will play a pivotal role in shaping a brighter future for all.
