News & Events
In a thought-provoking contributed column in am730, Chan Ying-tung Cassy, Project Manager at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), shares compelling insights from her interview as part of RTHK's Community Involvement Broadcasting Service program “The Age of Social Innovators 2.0.”
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HK01 recapped an interview with Chan Ying-tung Cassy from the mental health project team, emphasizing the urgent need for culturally sensitive services for Hong Kong's ethnic minorities due to stigma, language barriers, and resource gaps.
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Our Project Manager, Chan Ying-tung Cassy, addressed mental health challenges faced by ethnic minorities in Hong Kong during a recent RTHK CIBS interview.
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The research project explores mental health among ethnic minority elderly in Hong Kong, highlighting the need for culturally tailored approaches and policy changes to improve inclusivity and community empowerment.
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Cultivating Understanding:
Team Highlights Mental Health at Cultural Diversity Event
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The Mental Health Project Team at the Division of Public Policy, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is delighted to share that we successfully hosted a campus tour for a group of Indian senior citizens (65+) on November 9, 2023. This activity was filled with nostalgia, laughter, insightful conversations, and shared learning experiences, reflecting the ethos of our project and the spirit of inter-cultural and inter-generational understanding.
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The Mental Health Projects Team at the Division of Public Policy, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of the 'Community Wellness Advocate' volunteer training program. Held on November 4, 2023, at the Clear Water Bay campus, the day was filled with eager learning, fruitful conversations, and shared experiences, embodying the ethos of the project and the spirit of intercultural understanding.
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Congratulations to Professor Naubahar Sharif, Acting Head and Professor of the Division of Public Policy, who has been awarded a substantial grant of HK$13.72 million from the prestigious "Chief Executive’s Community Project List 2023". This funding is generously made available by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and is allocated by the Chief Executive to innovative and impactful projects. Priority is given to projects that are supported by the relevant policy bureau, in this case, the Health Bureau. Read more
We are pleased to announce that our research team has successfully completed the initial training for the Pakistani enumerators who will be conducting the household survey targeting Pakistani elders in Hong Kong. Read more
We are proud to announce that our Mental Health Project Team, Professor Naubahar Sharif and Ms. Cassy Chan at the HKUST Division of Public Policy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, has recently gained media attention for their work in providing empirically-informed and culturally-sensitive mental health programs and support services for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Ming Pao and HK01 have both featured articles on our staff's ground-breaking projects, showcasing the importance of addressing mental health concerns among ethnic minority communities in the city. Read more