Research Team Finished Enumerator Training for HKSYE Survey Pilot Study


We are pleased to announce that our research team has successfully completed the initial training for the Pakistani enumerators who will be conducting the household survey targeting Pakistani elders in Hong Kong.

During the training sessions, Wenjin Chen, the Postdoc responsible for the survey study, and Mengyuan Niu, the PhD student, provided a comprehensive introduction to the background, objectives, interview principles, and interview procedures to our enumerators. With a solid understanding of the study and their roles, our team members further trained the enumerators on using the survey instrument, Qualtrics, through tablets. The training encompassed a thorough review of the questions in each section, ensuring that the enumerators possess the necessary skills to conduct the survey effectively with Pakistani elders.

The implementation of the training program holds significant importance in ensuring the overall success of the HKSYE Survey Pilot Study. Enumerators, leveraging their language advantages and professional expertise, play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth execution and accurate data collection for this survey. Consequently, the training program aims to maximize their potential and equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfill their responsibilities effectively.

The pilot test phase serves as a valuable opportunity to assess the clarity, relevance, and comprehensiveness of the survey questions. By administering the survey instrument to a smaller sample size, the research team can gain insights into the respondents' understanding of the questions, identify any potential ambiguities or misunderstandings, and make necessary adjustments to improve the overall survey instrument. The outcomes of the pilot test phase are eagerly anticipated, as they will inform the refinement of the survey questions and contribute to the success of the later official launch.

We believe that the completion of the enumerator training marks a significant milestone in the HKSYE Survey Pilot Study. The training program, combined with the forthcoming pilot test and subsequent official launch, lays the foundation for collecting valuable data on the experiences and needs of Pakistani elders in Hong Kong. The research team remains enthusiastic about the outcomes of the pilot test and is committed to ensuring the success of the survey study.

For any interest in becoming our enumerators and registering for our survey, please contact us at or Whatsapp at 63414591.