Fortifying Family Ties: A Path of Development and Unity

Fortifying Family Ties: A Path of Development and Unity

Strengthening Family Bonds in Weekly Sessions

08-15 May 2024

2:00pm - 3:00pm

The Jade Plaza

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Programme Structure:


The Family Psychoeducation Group Sessions organized by the Mental Health Projects Team at the Division of Public Policy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology are designed to provide valuable insights and support to individuals seeking to enhance their family dynamics, communication, parenting skills, and overall mental well-being.

Throughout this engaging workshop, we will explore various topics and techniques aimed at fostering healthier and more fulfilling family relationships. By participating in these sessions, you will have the opportunity to gain practical tools, learn effective communication strategies, and develop mindfulness practices that can positively impact your family dynamics.


Sessions Objective : 

Week 1: Engaging ice-breakers and a confidential questionnaire on family dynamics 

Date and Time: 6 May 2024, 2:00 -3:00 pm

Lecture: Family dynamics play a crucial role in shaping our well-being and relationships. Understanding the unique dynamics within our families can provide valuable insights into our communication patterns, conflict resolution strategies, and overall family cohesion. That is why we have designed this session to kickstart our workshop series by delving into the intricacies of family dynamics.

Interactive Session:

Through interactive and engaging ice-breaker activities, we will create a comfortable and inclusive environment where participants can get to know one another, build connections, and establish a sense of trust. These ice-breakers will serve as a foundation for open and authentic communication throughout the workshop series.

In addition, we will also be conducting a confidential questionnaire that will allow you to reflect on various aspects of your family dynamics. This questionnaire is designed to provide you with a deeper understanding of your family's strengths, challenges, and areas for growth. Rest assured, the information you share will remain strictly confidential, as we prioritize creating a safe space for all participants.


Week 2 : Family Communication & Breathing Exercises

Date and Time : 15 May 2024, 2:00 -3:00 pm

Lecture: Effective communication is the cornerstone of healthy family dynamics. It allows us to express our thoughts, emotions, and needs, while also fostering understanding and empathy among family members. In this session, we will explore various strategies and techniques to enhance communication within your family, promoting openness, respect, and active listening.

Interactive Session:

During this session, you will have the opportunity to learn practical communication techniques, engage in interactive activities, and participate in guided breathing exercises. Our facilitators will provide guidance and support as we explore different communication styles and techniques that can enhance family relationships and resolve conflicts effectively.

We encourage active participation and open sharing among all participants, as this session provides a safe and inclusive space to learn from one another's experiences. By the end of this session, you will have gained valuable insights and practical tools to improve communication within your family and integrate breathing exercises into your daily lives.


Week 3: Parenting Tips & Wellbeing Activity


Date and Time: 22th  May 2024, 2:00 -3:00 pm


Lecture: Parenting is a rewarding yet challenging journey that requires continuous learning and adaptation. This session is dedicated to providing you with practical tips, strategies, and insights to navigate the complexities of parenting effectively. We will explore various parenting styles, effective discipline techniques, and ways to promote positive parent-child relationships.

Additionally, we recognize the importance of your well-being as a parent. Caring for yourself is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced family environment. Therefore, we have incorporated a wellbeing activity into this session to help you prioritize self-care and explore practices that promote your mental and emotional well-being.

Interactive Session: Following the presentation, participants will engage in group discussions and role-playing exercises. These interactive elements are designed to create a supportive setting where families can apply the strategies they have learned and share insights and experiences with others who have similar cultural backgrounds.

By the end of this session, you will have gained valuable insights into effective parenting strategies, acquired practical tips for nurturing positive parent-child relationships, and explored activities that promote your own well-being. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to create a nurturing and supportive environment for your family.


Week 4: Mindfulness Session

Date and Time: 29th May 2024, 2:00 -3:00 pm


Lecture: In this session, we will dive into the transformative practice of mindfulness, exploring its benefits and discovering practical techniques to incorporate mindfulness into your family life.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help us cultivate present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. It allows us to fully engage with ourselves, our emotions, and our surroundings, fostering greater clarity, compassion, and resilience. In this session, we will explore the principles and practices of mindfulness, specifically tailored for families.

Interactive Session: During this mindfulness session, our experienced facilitators will guide you through a series of mindfulness exercises and activities. These exercises will help you develop the skills to bring mindfulness into your daily routines, strengthening the bond among family members and promoting a greater sense of calm and harmony.

We will explore mindful breathing techniques, body scans, and guided meditations specifically designed for families. Through these practices, you will learn to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and your loved ones, fostering a more compassionate and understanding family environment.


Week 5: Final insights, with a chance to receive a HK$250 voucher!

Date and Time: 6th June  2024, 2:00 -3:00 pm


Lecture: In this final session, we will take the time to reflect on the key learnings, insights, and growth that you have experienced throughout the workshop series. It is an opportunity to celebrate your progress, honor the challenges you have overcome, and acknowledge the steps you have taken towards creating a more fulfilling family life.

In addition to the reflective session, we are delighted to offer you a chance to receive a HK$250 voucher as a token of our gratitude for your active participation and commitment to personal growth. The voucher can be redeemed at select partner establishments, providing you with an opportunity to treat yourself or your family to a special experience.

Interactive Session: As we come to the end of this transformative journey, we encourage you to engage in open discussions, share your final insights, and celebrate the growth and connections you have nurtured. This session will serve as a culmination of the workshop series, offering closure, inspiration, and a chance to reflect on the meaningful changes you have implemented within your family.
