Journey of Wisdom: Indian Elderly Life Story Sharing Workshop

Journey of Wisdom: Indian Elderly Life Story Sharing Workshop


29 Jun 2024 (Sat)

2:30pm - 4:00pm

 Burlington House, 92-94 Nathan Road, TST

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This workshop is designed to create a nurturing and inspiring environment for participants to share their unique life experiences and gain valuable insights from one another. As you arrive, you will be warmly greeted and guided through a seamless registration process. We will introduce the program, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and prepared for the enriching session ahead.

Our interactive activity, facilitated by experienced workshop coordinators, will encourage active participation and foster connections among the participants. Through engaging exercises and interactive discussions, we aim to create a space where stories can be shared, relationships can be formed, and a sense of community can flourish.

During the workshop, we will delve into the heart of the session—the sharing of life stories. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their personal journeys, recounting the experiences, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped their lives. This storytelling session will not only provide a platform for self-expression but also foster empathy, understanding, and appreciation for the unique perspectives of each participant.

In addition to the life story sharing, we have arranged for a health talk by a knowledgeable healthcare professional. This talk will provide valuable insights and practical advice on maintaining good health and well-being in the later stages of life. We believe that holistic well-being is essential for a fulfilling and vibrant life, and this talk will equip participants with valuable information to support their physical and emotional health.

As we approach the conclusion of the workshop, we will reflect on the connections made, the stories shared, and the wisdom gained. We will express our gratitude for the active participation and openness of each participant, emphasizing the collective strength of our Indian elderly community.

Join us for a transformative afternoon where stories come alive, connections are fostered, and wisdom is celebrated. Together, let us embark on this "Journey of Wisdom: Indian Elderly Life Story Sharing Workshop" to honor the richness of our collective experiences and create lasting connections that bridge generations.
