Nurturing Connections: A Psychoeducation Series for Ethnically Diverse Families

Nurturing Connections: A Psychoeducation Series for Ethnically Diverse Families

Exploring and Strengthening Family Dynamics in Weekly Sessions

5 March 2024, 12 March 2024, 19 March 2024, 26 March 2024 (Every Tuesday)

Yuen Long

05-26 Mar 2024

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The Mental Health Project Team at the Division of Public Policy, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, invites Indian, Pakistani, and Nepalese families to the psychoeducation series "Nurturing Connections: A Psychoeducation Series for Diverse Families." This program is designed to resonate with and empower families from these ethnic backgrounds through a blend of educational and interactive experiences.


Program Structure:

The four-week series provides a rich mix of knowledge-sharing and practical application, specifically tailored to meet the unique needs and cultural nuances of Indian, Pakistani, and Nepalese families. Each weekly session consists of two parts:


Sessions Objectives:

Week 1: Foundations of Mental Health, and Family Harmony

Date & Time: 5 March 2024 (Tuesday) 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM


Lecture: The series begins with a survey on family relationships, followed by a lecture and interactive activity that introduces the foundational concepts of mental health, all tailored to align with the perspectives and experiences of Indian, Pakistani, and Nepalese families.


Interactive Session: The team will facilitate discussions, reflections, or role-plays with the families to deepen their understanding of the day's topic and make it relevant to their own lives.


Week 2: Enhancing Family Communications – Achieving a More Harmonious Family

Date & Time: 12 March 2024 (Tuesday) 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM


Lecture: The session will delve into emotional intelligence and family communications, providing a targeted lecture designed to empower parents with the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions within the family unit. The team will also introduce effective communication strategies and conflict resolution techniques tailored to the diverse cultural backgrounds of Indian, Pakistani, and Nepalese families.


Interactive Session: Building on the lecture, the hour will be filled with hands-on activities, practicing emotional intelligence skills in real-life scenarios to reinforce learning.


Week 3: Relationship Management & Parenting Strategies

Date & Time: 19 March 2024 (Tuesday), 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM


Lecture: The session will explore effective relationship management and delve into parenting strategies that are crucial throughout the various stages of child development. The lecture will cover key aspects of fostering positive parent-child relationships and addressing common challenges faced by families.


Interactive Session: Following the lecture, participants will engage in role-playing exercises and group discussions. These interactive elements are designed to provide a supportive space where families can practice the strategies discussed and share their experiences and insights with peers from similar cultural backgrounds.


Week 4: Building Resilience and Understanding Positive Psychology

Date & Time: 26 March 2024 (Tuesday), 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM


Lecture: This final session will focus on resilience building and the principles of positive psychology. The goal is to equip families with the skills to cope with stress and adversity while also promoting mental well-being through the adoption of positive habits and mindsets.


Interactive Session: To wrap up the series, the interactive component will include sharing simple stress-coping strategies and self-care techniques for parents. Families will also collaborate to create a personalized Family Wellness Plan that integrates the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program. This plan will serve as a guide for maintaining family harmony and resilience in the face of life's challenges.


Limited Seats Available

Spaces for "Nurturing Connections" are limited to ensure an intimate and effective learning environment. Please register early to guarantee your family's place in this transformative series.
