Culturally-Sensitive Empirical-Informed Mental Health Projects for Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong


Culturally-Sensitive Empirical-Informed Mental Health Projects for Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

We are proud to announce that our Mental Health Project Team, Professor Naubahar Sharif and Ms. Cassy Chan at the HKUST Division of Public Policy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, has recently gained media attention for their work in providing empirically-informed and culturally-sensitive mental health programs and support services for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Ming Pao and HK01 have both featured articles on our staff's ground-breaking projects, showcasing the importance of addressing mental health concerns among ethnic minority communities in the city.

Read the Ming Pao article here:

Read the HK01 article here:

Hong Kong's ethnic minority population, while small, is rapidly growing and has a long history in the city. Mainstream mental health support services often overlook the unique cultural and linguistic needs of ethnic minorities, who represent diverse communities with roots in South Asia and other regions. Our projects aim to fill this gap in mental health resources by offering evidence-based mental health training programs and culturally-relevant mental health support services in multiple languages and formats.

These initiatives seek to reduce stigma and discrimination associated with mental health issues and to raise mental health awareness among Hong Kong's ethnic minority communities. As Hong Kong moves towards making mental health a greater societal priority, it is crucial that ethnic minorities are not forgotten or considered only as an afterthought.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Advisory Committee on Mental Health, various community stakeholders, and countless inspiring individuals for their unwavering support. 

For more information on our staff's service-based mental health projects and insights into the importance of addressing mental health concerns among ethnic minorities in  Hong Kong, please visit, or follow us on Instagram at emmh_hkust.

For enquiries, please contact us at

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
c/o Division of Public Policy (PPOL)
Room 4384, Academic Building,
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong