Building Stronger Families: Enhancing Communication and Positive Parenting

Building Stronger Families: Enhancing Communication and Positive Parenting


19th June 2024, 26th June 2024, 3nd July 2024


19 Jun - 03 Jul 2024

10:30am - 12:30pm


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The Family Communication & Positive Parenting Group Sessions are organized by the Mental Health Projects Team at the Division of Public Policy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. These interactive workshops are designed to strengthen family relationships, enhance communication skills, and promote positive parenting practices. We invite you to join us for an enriching and supportive experience as we embark on a journey towards fostering healthy family dynamics and nurturing the emotional well-being of both parents and children.


Program Structure:

Throughout this workshop series, participants will have the opportunity to learn from expert speakers and engage in interactive sessions that encourage active participation and meaningful discussions. Our dedicated facilitators will guide you through engaging lectures, hands-on activities, and group discussions, providing you with a supportive space to reflect, share experiences, and learn from one another's insights.


Sessions Objectives:


Week 1: In-person Kick-off & Family Communication

Date & Time: 19th June 2024(WED)  ,10:30 AM – 12:30 PM


The session will begin with a warm welcome and an introduction to the workshop. Our expert facilitators will guide participants through an engaging lecture on the importance of effective family communication. Topics covered may include active listening, open dialogue, conflict resolution, and building trust within the family unit.

Interactive Session:

Following the lecture, participants will have the opportunity to actively engage in interactive activities and role-plays that reinforce the concepts learned and promote healthy communication skills among family members.The staff will facilitate discussions, reflections, or role-plays to assist the families in better understanding the day's topic and applying it to their own lives.


Week 2: Family Relationship & Parenting Tips

Date & Time: 26th June 2024(WED)  ,10:30 AM – 12:30 PM


Participants will gain practical strategies for fostering positive discipline, setting boundaries, and promoting emotional well-being within the family dynamic.

Interactive Session: Interactive discussions, case studies, and group activities will provide opportunities for participants to share their experiences and learn from one another in a supportive environment.


Week 3: Mindfulness & Breathing Exercises

Date & Time: 3rd July 2024(WED)  ,10:30 AM – 12:30 PM


In the final session, we will focus on mindfulness and breathing exercises as essential tools for promoting emotional well-being within the family. The session will begin with a lecture on the benefits of mindfulness and its application in daily life. Participants will learn simple yet powerful breathing techniques to manage stress, enhance self-awareness, and cultivate a sense of calm in both parents and children.

Interactive Session: Guided mindfulness exercises and relaxation techniques will be practiced together, fostering a peaceful and harmonious family environment. The session will conclude with a reflection and open discussion to explore how mindfulness practices can be incorporated into daily routines for the benefit of the entire family.Family communication and emotional intelligence will be the session's topics. It seeks to provide parents with the skills they need to recognize, comprehend, and control the emotions that exist in their families. The group will also offer practical strategies for fostering communication and resolving disputes that are appropriate for the various cultural settings of Indian, Pakistani, and Nepalese families.
